The aim of the benchmark is to improve understanding and modelling of pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) amongst NEA member organisations. This is achieved by comparing PCMI predictions of different fuel performance codes for a number of cases. Some of these cases are hypothetical cases aiming to facilitate understanding of the effects of code-to-code differences in fuel performance models. The remaining cases are actual irradiations, where code predictions will be compared to measured data. The benchmark is currently restricted to light water reactor (LWR) fuel, but can potentially be extended to other fuel types (in particular CANDU fuel or fast reactor fuel) in the future.
The benchmark is conducted with the oversight of the Expert Group on Reactor Fuel Performance (EGRFP). The aim of the benchmark is to improve understanding and modelling of pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) amongst NEA member organisations. This will be achieved by comparing PCMI predictions of different fuel performance codes for a number of cases. Some of these cases are hypothetical cases aiming to facilitate understanding of the effects of code-to-code differences in fuel performance models. The remaining cases are actual irradiations, where code predictions will be compared to measured data. The benchmark is currently restricted to light water reactor (LWR) fuel, but can potentially be extended to other fuel types (in particular CANDU fuel or fast reactor fuel) in the future.
The preliminary timescales are below. They reflect the current plan for cases 1 and 2 (but not cases 3 and 4) to be modelled by both EGRFP members and members of the IAEA Fuel Modelling in Accident Conditions (FUMAC) Co-ordinated Research Project.
PCMI Benchmark (password protected | reminder)