Nuclear Regulatory Organisations' Oversight of New Licensee Organisational Capability - Workshop Proceedings

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- Adobe Acrobat PDF Document on 1/15/20 at 5:31 PM

Regulatory bodies must consider how to develop and deploy its own resources in order to deliver the right level of regulatory oversight against these and other areas of organisational development.

In order to establish relevant good practice and identify key issues for further international investigation the  Working Group on the Regulation of New Reactors (WGRNR) and Working Group on Human and Organisational Factors (WGHOF) held a joint workshop designed to engage the international community in addressing these key areas. A survey was developed which gathered relevant information on the international landscape which was used to design the event and furthermore detailed information was gathered from position papers provided by participant countries to frame the workshop sessions.

The workshop took place in Chester, United Kingdom in March 2017 and was attended by almost 50 international delegates drawn from the WGRNR and WGHOF. This report contains all the survey outputs and analysis, the individual country position papers, the event format and the outputs and key learning from the event.

Areas of relevant good practice are identified as well as a number of areas where further work is required in order to establish relevant good practice. The areas identified for further work are allocated to either the WGRNR or WGHOF as a set of recommendations and the CNRA and CSNI are invited to consider these recommendations for inclusion in the forward work programmes for these groups.