Legal frameworks for nuclear activities
Regulatory and institutional frameworks
The profiles below provide comprehensive information on the legal frameworks for nuclear activities in OECD and NEA member countries, as well as select partner countries.
Each country profile provides a detailed review of a full range of nuclear law topics, including: mining regime; radioactive substances; nuclear installations; radiological protection; radioactive waste management; non-proliferation; nuclear security; trade; transport; and nuclear third party liability. In addition, the profiles detail the institutional framework in each country, including the regulatory and supervisory authorities as well as the public and semi-public agencies, and specialised committees or boards.
The country reports are also available in French.
Each profile is complemented by reproductions of the primary legislation regulating nuclear activities in the member country.
In addition, the status of participation for each member country of the OECD and the NEA in multilateral agreements in nuclear energy is available.
OECD and NEA countries
* Suspended member
Partner countries