September 2020 in brief

International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2020), organised by the Nuclear Society of Slovenia on 7-10 September 2020

International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2020), organised by the Nuclear Society of Slovenia on 7-10 September 2020. Photo: Bor Kos, Jozef Stefan Institute.


  • NEA Director-General Magwood was a keynote speaker at the World Nuclear Association (WNA) Strategic eForum 2020 held on 9-11 September 2020. During his speech, Mr Magwood highlighted the role of nuclear energy in the cost-effective decarbonisation of electricity systems. “Nuclear is a technology that is easily expandable under the right situation, that we understand how to build and operate, and we have the ability to use this technology to match with renewables to enable us to be successful,” he said.

World Nuclear Association (WNA) Strategic eForum 2020, High-level Panel 1 Building a stronger and cleaner tomorrow with nuclear energy, 9 September 2020 




US Women in Nuclear Region III Conference, 14-16 September 





  • Gloria Kwong, Acting Head of the NEA Division of Nuclear Technology Development and Economics, spoke about nuclear energy development and innovation at the IAEA Scientific Forum 2020 held on 22-23 September 2020.


  • The NEA participated in a virtual side event on US Reactor Technologies, organised by the United States at the IAEA General Conference. Director-General Magwood spoke at this event to provide a global perspective from NEA membership on the role of nuclear energy toward the flexibility requirements of future energy systems.


  • Michel Berthélemy, an NEA nuclear energy analyst, was a panellist at a webinar hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Expert Group on Resource Management. He spoke about the recent NEA work on electricity markets and underlined the importance of system costs and full cost accounting within the context of a clean energy future.

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Expert Group on Resource Management webinar, 25 September 2020 


  • The NEA participated in the International Gender Champions Impact Group meeting hosted by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) on 29 September 2020. Director-General Magwood noted that the NEA supports its membership in their efforts to explore ways of recruiting & retaining women in science and to pursue gender equality in the nuclear sector.

International Gender Champions Impact Group meeting hosted by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) on 29 September 2020 


  • The NEA also participated in the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF). Director-General Magwood spoke at the forum session on “Innovations in Nuclear Energy”. During his speech, he highlighted recent NEA analysis of the ability of electricity markets to prepare countries for the future and the role nuclear energy can play in a sustainable, long-term energy infrastructure.

Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF), Session on Innovations in Nuclear Energy, 29 September 2020 



  • CANDU Owners Group (COG) and the NEA have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to co-operate in research and activities related to pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) technology.
See also