Working Party on Nuclear Liability and Transport (WPNLT)
A meeting of the WPNLT (June 2023).

Stakeholders involved in the organisation of nuclear transports have to deal on a daily basis with practical challenges related to the nuclear liability regime(s) applicable to transport and transit of nuclear substances. The need to address these challenges led the Nuclear Law Committee (NLC) to create the Working Party on Nuclear Liability and Transport (WPNLT) in 2016.

The main objectives of the WPNLT are:  

  • to examine issues relating to the interpretation and application of international nuclear liability instruments to nuclear transport; and
  • to promote the exchange of legal information relating to nuclear liability as applicable to nuclear transport and the sharing of related experience among member countries, with an emphasis on finding practical solutions, to the benefit of nuclear operators, carriers and insurers.

In line with the practical focus of its activities, the WPNLT has been working, among other outputs, on the collection of information on the national legal regimes applicable to nuclear transport in NEA member and non-member countries.

Legislation and rules applicable to nuclear transport and transit

Based on a comprehensive enquiry on the legislation and regulations applicable to nuclear transport and transit, the WPNLT prepared country sheets in view of providing a practical overview of the applicable legal framework in each concerned country to all stakeholders involved in the organisation of carriages of nuclear substances and to the public in general.

A compilation of relevant provisions and texts related to the transport and transit of nuclear substances provides a global overview of nuclear liability conventions’ requirements in this field. It comprises relevant extracts from the applicable nuclear liability conventions, their explanatory texts and related decisions, recommendations and interpretations.

Nuclear liability and transport: Compilation of relevant provisions and texts

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  • Nuclear liability
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