First NEST Advanced Remote Technology and Robotics for Decommissioning (ARTERD) Seminar

The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) launched the Nuclear Education, Skills and Technology (NEST) Framework in 2019.

The activities of the NEST Framework are expected to contribute to nuclear-related education, training and mentoring, to encourage the succeeding generations to pursue careers in the nuclear field and to provide them with the opportunity to obtain, share and advance the knowledge and technology in the nuclear field.

To contribute to the NEST activities, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the University of Tokyo (UOT) have proposed a project in the research area of Advanced Remote Technology and Robotics for Decommissioning (ARTERD). This project offers a wide application not only in nuclear technology for safe decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. under intense gamma-ray irradiation environments, but also in other technologies and industries (such as radiation hardness and smartness, radiation imaging and advanced radiation measurement). Such technologies can extend the application of robotics into the nuclear field and attract specialists from other disciplines to examine nuclear technology issues.

In this context, JAEA and UOT will host a series of online seminars to foster the exchange between NEST Fellows and participating organisations. 

Draft programme

9:00-12:00 (JST, UTC+9)


  • Opening Address
    K. Okamoto (JAEA)
  • Migration of radionuclides in repository for future inventory identification and quantification
    S. Nagasaki (McMaster University)
  • Development of technology to support remote operation of the robot
    K. Kawabata (JAEA)
  • Research and development on innovative laser spectroscopy for quick, non-contact and non-preparation remote analysis of nuclear debris
    I.Wakaida (JAEA)
  • Development of alpha particle detection technologies
    Y. Morishita (JAEA)
  • Agile manufacturing of Disaster Response Robots by 3D printing
    H. Asama (UOT)
  • Development on robot platform for radiation mapping and teleoperation
    H. Woo (UOT)
  • Research on robot navigation for distributed radiation mapping
    H. Woo (UOT)
  • Closing Remarks
    H. Asama (UOT)
2 September 2021
9:00-12:00 JST, Online