
BETHSY Facility description

Phenomena (fully or partially reproduced)

100%  Break Flow 27 SET facilities27 SET 100%  Counter Current Flow Limitation (CCFL) 32 SET facilities32 SET 100%  Entrainment and Deentainment 33 SET facilities33 SET 100%  Heat Transfer : Core 56 SET facilities56 SET 100%  Heat Transfer : SG 56 SET facilities56 SET 100%  Loop Seal Phenomena (CL) 4 SET facilities4 SET 100%  Natural Circulation 100%  Phase separation 52 SET facilities52 SET 100%  Quench Phenomena 36 SET facilities36 SET 100%  Stratification in horizontal pipes 20 SET facilities20 SET 100%  Thermalhydraulics : SG 50%  Pump performance for 1-2 phases 8 SET facilities8 SET 50%  Accumulator behaviour 1 SET facility1 SET 50%  ECC Bypass 17 SET facilities17 SET 50%  Pressurizer Behavior 50%  Structural heat and heat losses 50%  Thermalhydraulics : PWR Core