NEA Mandates and Structures

Expert Group on Small Modular Reactors (EGSMR)

Chair(s): Secretary:  Redouane EL GHALBZOURI
Member(s):All NEA member countries*
Russia (Suspended*)
*Russian Federation suspended pursuant to a decision of the OECD Council.
EU participation: The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the NEA, in accordance with the NEA Statute and the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Observer(s)(International Organisation): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
By agreement
Date of creation:15 April 2022
End of mandate:14 April 2026

Mandate (Document reference):

  • Summary Record of the 69th Meeting of the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations held on 2-3 June 2021, via video-conference [NEA/SEN/SIN(2021)1]
  • Mandate of the Expert Group on Small Modular Reactors (EGSMR) [NEA/SEN/SIN(2022)3]
  • Summary Record of the 74th Meeting of the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations held on 5-6 December 2023, Paris, France [NEA/SEN/SIN(2023)2]
  • Mandate of the Expert Group on Small Modular Reactors (EGSMR) [NEA/SEN/SIN/EGSMR(2024)1]

Mandate (Document extract):

Extract of document NEA/SEN/SIN/EGSMR(2024)1


1. Background

There is a growing interest in the use of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) for their potential to provide safe and cost-effective energy systems. They are claimed to have advantages in terms of reduced construction times and costs, more autonomous operation, increased use of smart technology and inherent safety. There is a large variation in the SMR design concepts, including a range of sizes and different coolants and fuels. Nevertheless, they do have some common features including an increased reliance on passive systems and reduced core inventories (in each module).

The CSNI’s mandate is to support and advance the scientific and technical knowledge base for the safety of nuclear installations. In particular, the CSNI has developed a broad knowledge base in support of the water-cooled power-reactor technologies that are currently widely deployed. With the growing importance of SMRs, following the proposal of the CSNI Bureau, the CSNI has decided to formulate an Expert Group on SMRs (EGSMR), at its 69th meeting held on 2-3 June 2021.

From 2021 to 2023 the group has assessed CSNI activities of relevance to SMRs with a high technology readiness and that are anticipated to see near-term deployment; provided a roughly prioritised ranking of the safety knowledge gaps and recommendations to address the gaps, with a focus on safety issues that cross a number of designs; identified new technical areas the CSNI needs to develop, as well as ongoing experimental programmes and research facilities that are available for SMR safety related experiments.

The first EGSMR publication CSNI Technical Opinion Paper No 21. “Research Recommendations to support safe deployment of SMRS” was published in October 2023.

2. Scope

The EGSMR will continue to focus on the safety aspects of SMR designs with a high technology readiness that are anticipated to see near-term deployment, recognising that some flexibility is needed when deciding which technologies should be considered as having high technology readiness. It is recognised that the notions of technology readiness and near-term deployment are not precise, and therefore the group will have to be flexible in their considerations. Having selected these designs, EGSMR will continue to assess the current knowledge base for SMR designs through the collection of previous phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT) exercises and the identification of perceived gaps.

Efforts will also focus on identifying cross-cutting safety issues as areas for cooperative activities. The EGSMR will support the initiation of actions at CSNI working group level to close the identified knowledge gaps (e.g. passive systems, natural circulation, transportability, remote/autonomous operation, multi-source risk, common fuel designs (e.g. triso fuel), etc.).

Specific consideration will be given on human factors that can affect safety.

3. Objectives

The EGSMR will:

  • Support the initiation and assist in the coordination and implementation of CSNI activities of relevance to SMRs with a high technology readiness, both of Water-Cooled (WC) technology and Advanced Technology (AT) defined as non-WC Generation IV designs.
  • In collaboration with other relevant CSNI Working Groups (WGs), provide a roughly prioritised ranking of the safety knowledge gaps and recommendations to address the gaps, with a focus on safety issues that cross a number of designs.
  • In collaboration with CSNI WGs, provide a forum for exchange of information on international developments in SMR nuclear safety and shape the CSNI relevant activities to anticipate and address the emerging challenges.
  • In collaboration with CSNI WGs, provide for coordination and collaboration with relevant CNRA WGs addressing SMR safety.
  • Identify, in collaboration with CSNI WGs, necessary experimental programmes and some of the key research facilities available for SMR safety related experiments.

4. Working Methods

The mode of operation of the EGSMR is based upon plenary meetings and an ongoing, project-oriented working programme.

A Chair, supported by small core group, will lead and organise the work of the EGSMR.


(i)  will identify resources and schedules for its activities.

(ii)  will provide support to the other CSNI working/expert groups to initiate and organise SMR-related activities, through the assignment of EGSMR delegates as “action champions”, providing background information and technical support during the start-up of activities.

(iii)  will assess the current knowledge base for SMR designs through the collection of previous phenomena identification and ranking table (PIRT) exercises.

a) will work with WGAMA to establish PIRT exercises and research campaigns to address knowledge gaps in validation and verification of computer codes used in safety analyses of SMRs.

b) will identify the needs for additional PIRT exercises to close safety gaps related to specific designs. These PIRTs will be conducted either through CSNI working groups or joint activities, involving relevant experts (also from industry where possible) to facilitate quality assessments.

As an initial action, the EGSMR will select a relevant AT-SMR technology and conduct a pilot assessment of the current knowledge base (via the collection of PIRTs and relevant reports) and identification of the major safety research gaps that can be addressed by CSNI research activities.

(iv) will form task teams to work on specific projects and to organise workshops, as appropriate e.g. to address safety challenges associated with utilisations of disruptive technologies in SMRs.

(v) will establish a biannual forum for exchange of information (e.g. a periodic “SMR Safety Review” event) to track progress and disseminate results of CSNI efforts on SMR safety, and to connect with related external efforts by other international organisations.

(vi) will annually review its work programme and the effectiveness of the programme.

The EGSMR will report to the CSNI Programme Review Group (CSNI PRG) at its meetings, to CSNI at its plenary meetings and the CSNI and CNRA during their joint sessions (with the agreement of both committees).

5. Membership

The EGSMR should comprise nuclear safety experts from CSNI members with an interest in SMRs. Overall, the group should have a good understanding of the safety research needs for the different WC and AT SMR designs under consideration.

6. Interactions

The EGSMR will co-operate with other NEA bodies to ensure efficient collaboration, coordination and exchange on their respective work on SMRs. In carrying out its objectives, the EGSMR will co-ordinate with Working Groups under the CSNI and the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA). Co-operation with other NEA bodies concerned with activities on SMR related subjects will be actively pursued in accordance with the NEA SMR Strategy.

The NEA has established Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with a number of organisations such as the CANDU Owners Group (COG), the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) and other international organisations, to promote international collaboration, particularly in the area of nuclear safety.  Accordingly, EGSMR will interact with these organisations.

IAEA is an observer to EGSMR and there are joint NEA/IAEA activities related to SMRs under the IAEA Nuclear Harmonization and Standardization Initiative (NHSI). NEA and IAEA are committed to cooperation on all relevant activities related to SMR safety.

In addition, EGSMR has a great interest to collaborate with GIF, which is an active co-operative international framework hosted by the NEA Secretariat, organised to carry out the research and development (R&D) for AT reactors.

Accordingly, representatives from these organisations can be invited to participate in the activities of EGSMR, consistent with the MOUs, to co-ordinate their work and to avoid unnecessary duplication.

The NEA provides a framework for establishing joint safety research projects and the CSNI expects that the EGSMR will promote technical exchanges with relevant projects and provide technical support as appropriate.

7. Deliverables

The deliverables of the CSNI and its working groups are technical reports, proceedings of seminars or workshops, final summary reports from joint projects, state-of-the-art reports, and technical or collective opinion papers.

The output from the EGSMR may include webinars, reports or other products for the CSNI that summarise the results from the EGSMR specific activities implemented to further identify the safety knowledge gaps for SMR designs and provide recommendations on how CSNI can address the gaps, including for safety issues that are common for a number of designs.

The group should also continue to provide advice to PRG and CSNI on anticipated challenges and any innovative developments affecting safety of current and future nuclear plants and propose means to address those challenges, including suggested research and potential experimental programmes through consultation with other CSNI working groups.