NEA Mandates and Structures

Expert Group on Operational Safety (EGOS)

Chair(s): Philipp HEROLD, Germany
Secretary:  Shogo NISHIKAWA
Vice-Chair(s): Satoru SUZUKI, Japan
Member(s):All NEA member countries*
Russia (Suspended*)
*Russian Federation suspended pursuant to a decision of the OECD Council.
EU participation: The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the NEA, in accordance with the NEA Statute and the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Observer(s)(International Organisation): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
By agreement
Date of creation:01 June 2013
End of mandate:31 December 2025

Mandate (Document reference):

  • Summary record of the 46th Session of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) held on 13-14 March 2013 [NEA/RWM/M(2013)1]
  • Summary record of the 14th Meeting of the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) held on 8-10 October 2012 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2012)6/FINAL]
  • Mandate of the Expert Group on Operational Safety (EG-OS) [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2013)1]
  • Summary record of the 17th meeting of the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) held on 6-8 October 2015 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2015)9/FINAL]
  • Mandate of the IGSC Expert Group on Operational Safety (EG-OS) 2016-2017 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2015)8]
  • Summary record of the 19th meeting of the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) held on 10-12 October 2017 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2017)6/PROV]
  • Mandate of the Expert Group on Operational Safety (EGOS) From 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2017)8/FINAL]
  • Summary Record of the 21st meeting of the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) held on 8-10 October 2019 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2019)1]
  • Mandate of the Expert Group on Operational Safety (EGOS) From 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2019)2/PROV]
  • Summary Record of the 23rd Meeting of the IGSC held on 12-13 October 2021 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2021)4]
  • Revised Mandate of the Expert Group on Operational Safety (EGOS) From 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2023 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2021)10]
  • Summary Record of the 25th Meeting of the IGSC held on 9-13 October 2023, forthcoming
  • Mandate of the Expert Group on Operational Safety (EGOS) for 2024-2025 [NEA/RWM/IGSC(2023)1/FINAL] 

Mandate (Document extract):

Extract from document NEA/RWM/IGSC(2023)1/FINAL


The overall operational safety objectives in deep geological repositories (DGRs) for radioactive waste are similar to those in other operating nuclear facilities. Those objectives notably include: preventing release of radioactive substances; protecting workers and environment from irradiation; dissipating thermal power from the waste; ventilating any radioactive gases; etc. Risks are managed in accordance with the principle of defence-in-depth (as defined in the INSAG-10 report by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group) and “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA). 

The excavation volumes, potentially much longer operational durations and limited possibilities for direct monitoring in geological repositories, as compared to other nuclear facilities, will impose specific design requirements of DGRs. The applicability and transferability of classical nuclear safety and mining safety regulations to DGRs must be examined. Conflicting regulatory requirements must be identified and addressed. For instance, ventilation requirements addressing mining safety may conflict with requirements addressing radiation protection. Confliction between operational safety and long-term safety should also be addressed.

Safety case experts expressed their interest and needs to develop consensus on the best operational practices and operational guidelines of DGRs as well as to understand commonalities and differences in operation procedures among member countries. As more high level waste (HLW) disposal projects move towards implementation and some low and intermediate level waste (L&ILW) disposal projects come into operation, achieving and demonstrating operational safety of geological disposal facilities becomes essential. DGR Projects in some countries have made significant progress since the establishment of EGOS, and more practical and detailed information exchange is now possible. Therefore, the importance of EGOS for the exchange of information and views has been increasing.


The mandate of the EGOS is to identify, evaluate and help define international best practices in safe operation of deep geological repositories (DGRs), which covers the pre-closure phase of DGRs, and addresses the connection between operational safety and long-term safety.


The EGOS will:

  • Share technical, regulatory, and stakeholder-related experience in operational safety and share know-how on the practical assessment of hazards, technical solutions for risk prevention and mitigation, and methodologies to assure safety requirements, such as Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC);
  • Identify potential hazards in DGRs, utilising experience gained or lessons learnt from the operation of mines (both uranium and non-nuclear), nuclear facilities (including non-DGR disposal facilities) and relevant engineering projects from outside the nuclear industry;
  • Identify potential interactions between operational safety and long-term safety and share views on how to deal with this issue;
  • Enable the IGSC to foster in-depth exchanges with other international organisations and/or projects in the field of operational safety.

Working Methods

The mode of operation of the EGOS is based upon annual plenary meetings and an ongoing, project-oriented working programme.

A Bureau including the Chair and two Vice Chairs will lead and organise the work of the EGOS. The EGOS Bureau will meet two times a year for the discussion of the group development and preparation for EGOS plenary meetings. Additional EGOS Bureau meetings can be organised if necessary.

The EGOS will report to IGSC at its plenary meetings.

Additionally, the EGOS: (i) will identify resources and schedules for its activities; (ii) will form task teams to work on specific projects and to organise workshops, as appropriate; and (iii) will annually review the programme of work and the effectiveness of the programme.


The EGOS is a task-oriented expert group. It is composed of senior technical specialists with experience in assembling or reviewing the understanding of operational safety for deep geological repository projects. Members represent waste management agencies, regulatory authorities, academic institutions and research and development institutions. EGOS members have a level of seniority in their organisations such that they can mobilise resources as contributions to EGOS initiatives.


The primary interaction of the EGOS will be with the IGSC and RWMC to co-ordinate its work to support a holistic approach to radioactive waste management. The work of the EGOS is complementary to the activities of other international organisations, thus using or taking into account the outcomes of activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the European Commission (EC) as well as other relevant organisations. When appropriate, the EGOS can provide input relevant to the activities of these organisations and institutions.

In fulfilling its mandate, the EGOS will be primarily supported by the RWMD staff of the NEA Secretariat. In addition, the EGOS will co-operate with the subsidiary bodies of other NEA standing technical committees when relevant.


The EGOS supports the IGSC in performing of its objectives and delivers the reports on activities held in accordance to the EGOS Program of Work. Furthermore, the EGOS will organise task-oriented events for an in-depth discussion of particular topics related to the operational safety of DGR. Some deliverables can be developed in cooperation with other NEA groups.