NEA Mandates and Structures

Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM)

Chair(s): Sara DECAIR, United States
Secretary:  Lucas MARTIRI
Vice-Chair(s): Tristan BARR, Canada
Damien DIDIER, France
Astrid LILAND, Norway
Member(s):All NEA member countries*
Russia (Suspended*)
*Russian Federation suspended pursuant to a decision of the OECD Council.
EU participation: The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the NEA, in accordance with the NEA Statute and the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Observer(s)(International Organisation): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
By agreement
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Date of creation:07 September 1993
End of mandate:31 May 2026

Mandate (Document reference):

  • Terms of Reference of the Expert Group on Nuclear Emergency Matters [NEA/INEX/DOC(93)2]
  • Summary Record of the 51st Meeting of the CRPPH [NEA/SEN/SAN(93)8]
  • Mandate of the WPNEM 2020-2023 [NEA/CRPPH/INEX(2020)1/FINAL]
  • Summary Record of the 78th Meeting of the CRPPH [NEA/CRPPH(2020)5/FINAL]
  • Summary Record of the 47th Meeting of the WPNEM [NEA/CRPPH/INEX(2023)1]
  • Summary Record of the 81st Meeting of the CRPPH [held on 4-6 April 2023 NEA/CRPPH(2023)6]
  • Experience from the fifth International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (NEA, 2018)
  • Mandate of the CRPPH Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM) [NEA/CRPPH/INEX(2023)7/FINAL]

Mandate (Document extract):

Extracts from document NEA/CRPPH/INEX(2023)7/FINAL


The Committee on Radiological Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) established the Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM – formerly named Expert group on Nuclear Emergency Matters) and approved the first Terms of Reference [NEA/INEX/DOC(93)2] during its meeting held on 7-8 September 1993 [NEA/SEN/SAN(93)8] (now referred to as ‘mandate’). The CRPPH approved the latest Mandate for the period 2020-2023 [NEA/CRPPH/INEX(2020)1/FINAL] at its 78th meeting held on 09-11 September 2020 [NEA/CRPPH(2020)5/FINAL]. Through the present document, the WPNEM Mandate is extended for another three years until 31 May 2026.

The WPNEM agreed the extension at its 47th meeting held on 25-26 October 2022 and developed the content by email (agreed on 10 February 2023 by the WPNEM Bureau) [NEA/CRPPH/INEX(2023)1]. The CRPPH supported during its 81st meeting held on 4-6 April 2023 the activities on nuclear emergency matters and confirmed that the WPNEM should continue to be the CRPPH vehicle to address such matters [NEA/CRPPH(2023)6].


1.1. The mission of the WPNEM is to improve nuclear and radiological emergency management systems within NEA member countries, and to share its knowledge and experience widely.

1.2. In the context of the WPNEM, ‘emergency matters’ refer to all aspects of, preparedness, response and recovery for, the “early”, “intermediate” and “long-term” phases of a nuclear or radiological emergency (including accidents and consequence management of other types of event, e.g. malicious acts) (Fig. 1).

1.3. Figure 1: Overview of the emergency management timeline and phases.


Programme of work

The WPNEM develops its programme of work by identifying and analysing areas for improvement in emergency management systems and by reporting and sharing the findings. The programme of work is developed in co-ordination with NEA member countries and other relevant organisations.

Working Methods and Principles

The WPNEM employs a flexible and general approach to address issues across the entire spectrum of nuclear and radiological emergency management, from preparedness to transition and recovery. Participants share information, data, knowledge, and experience to test all aspects of emergency management systems and theories, identify gaps and provide recommended strategies to improve nuclear emergency management worldwide.

Prior to embarking on a new activity, the WPNEM shall ensure that the proposed new initiative is not duplicating activities of other international fora.

The WPNEM will report to the CRPPH on its progress and activities as requested, and at least on an annual basis. All reports, publications and products of the WPNEM will be submitted to the CRPPH for review and approval before public release.


Members are nominated by the NEA member countries among emergency management experts with recognised knowledge, skills and abilities in the nuclear field. The WPNEM will annually elect a Chair and three Vice-Chairs.

Preferably, the composition will reflect the regional and nuclear/non-nuclear diversity of the WPNEM membership.


The field of emergency preparedness, response and recovery (EPR) is broad, complex and involves many stakeholders. In this framework and in view of fulfilling its mandate, the WPNEM will seek international collaboration on specific emergency matters of interest to the NEA member countries in the framework of the NEA Strategic Plan and the CRPPH Mandate. For this, the WPNEM will work in close co-operation, as appropriate, with other NEA Standing Technical Committees and NEA divisions, as well as competent bodies within relevant OECD directorates and other international organisations active in the field of emergency preparedness, response and recovery.

The WPNEM will seek good co-operation and co-ordination with other international organisations, as well as the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies (IACRNE), and ensure greater efficiency by identifying areas of synergetic effort, clarifying roles, responsibilities and relevant activities to avoid duplication and optimising resources.

As part of the OECD, the WPNEM is strategically well placed to share information, to foster an integrated all-hazards approach to EPR through co-ordination with relevant OECD bodies, and other relevant organisations. In addition, the WPNEM will continue its long collaboration on nuclear and radiological EPR with relevant international organisations, e.g., the IAEA, the European Commission, the World Health Organisation, ICRP, and will liaise, as appropriate, with the industry and relevant stakeholders.


Since its creation, a key aspect of WPNEM’s efforts has been centred on preparing, conducting and evaluating the International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX) series, which has been organised by the WPNEM since 1993. The experiences and lessons learned from these exercises have provided a substantial base for the development of subsequent strategies and recommendations for improving emergency management systems nationally and internationally. The identification of INEX outcomes has been the major driver of the Programme of Work of the WPNEM. Within the mandate period 2023-2026, the WPNEM will plan, deliver, and review the sixth INEX exercise (INEX-6) focused on the long-term recovery phase of nuclear and radiological emergencies. Delivery of the exercise and identification of lessons learned will be the priority activity for the mandate period and a driver for future activities.  In addition to the work on INEX-6, the WPNEM will also cover subjects of interest, for example:

  • Adoption of the NEA’s practical guidance on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies and exploration of areas for improvement;
  • Promote the work of the NEA on cross-border coordination and information exchange, including any necessary follow-up on the use of Real-Time Platforms (RTPs) and the understanding and comparison of dose prognosis
  • Identify and investigate as appropriate further advancements in all aspects of EPR for nuclear or radiological emergencies (including accidents and consequence management of other types of events e.g. malicious acts, emergency situation during or after armed conflicts), for example:
    • implementation of recommendations issued by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the IAEA International Basic Safety Standards for emergency situations, and the General Safety Requirements N°GSR Part 7 (IAEA, 2015);
    • management of urgent, early and longer-term protective actions (implementation, withdrawal, modification);
    • efficient emergency communication, including the development and delivery of public information;
    • long-term issues of emergency decision making;
    • consequences of emergency management and the transition to recovery;
    • practical implementation of optimisation in EPR through the use of Reference Levels;
    • management of large scale contamination of food and agriculture;
    • approaches to stakeholder involvement, including within the optimisation of decision-making;
    • third party liability issues;
    • integrated approaches with other non-nuclear disciplines;
    • assessment of potential emergency exposure situations;
    • EPR issues related to new technologies (Small Modular Reactors/ Advanced Modular Reactors);
    • reflection on disaster risk reduction approaches for the protection of people and the environment to enhance resilience related to the increasing frequency and/or intensity of natural hazards due to climate change.
  • As needed, review and update WPNEM documents and reports;
  • Provide input as appropriate for the development of international standards and recommendations on emergency management, such as ICRP and IAEA documents;
  • Develop, co-ordinate and evaluate WPNEM objectives for inclusion in international exercises of the INEX series and to those co-ordinated through the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies (IACRNE); and
  • Develop and periodically update a strategic direction document for the WPNEM.