NEA Mandates and Structures

Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)

Chair(s): David BROWN, United States
Secretary:  Andrew HOLCOMB
Member(s):All NEA member countries*
Russia (Suspended*)
*Russian Federation suspended pursuant to a decision of the OECD Council.
EU participation: The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the NEA, in accordance with the NEA Statute and the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Observer(s)(International Organisation): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
By agreement
Date of creation:30 October 1999
End of mandate:30 June 2025

Mandate (Document reference):

  • Status of the NEA Nuclear Science Committee Projects and their Evolution in 2007 [NEA/SEN/NSC(2006)2]
  • Summary Record of the 17th meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) [NEA/SEN/NSC(2006)3]
  • Approved at the 20th meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee [NEA/SEN/NSC(2009)3]
  • Extended at the 21st Meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee [NEA/SEN/NSC(2010)3]
  • Revised and extended at the NEA Nuclear Science Committee Bureau meeting held in December 2010 [NEA/NSC/DOC(2010)14, Annex I]
  • Revised and extended at the 24th meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee in June 2013 [NEA/SEN/NSC(2013)2, Annex 2]
  • Revised and extended at the 27th meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee in June 2016 [NEA/SEN/NSC(2016)2]
  • Mandate of the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) [NEA/SEN/NSC/WPEC(2019)3]
  • ​Summary Record of the 30th Meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee [NEA/SEN/NSC(2019)2]
  • Mandate of the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) [NEA/SEN/NSC/WPEC(2023)1]


Mandate (Document extract):

Extract from document [NEA/SEN/NSC/WPEC(2023)1]


The Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) aims to improve the quality and completeness of evaluated nuclear data for use in science and technology. Such data represents our best understanding of the basic nuclear physics required to model nuclear systems. The WPEC also promotes the efficient use of resources through international collaboration.


The WPEC emphasizes topics that span the full range of nuclear data activities, including basic experimental measurements, theoretical developments, modelling/simulation of nuclear physics, formats and data structures, data processing, experimental data assimilation, and verification and validation.


The WPEC will promote the exchange of information on all nuclear data related topics and foster the adoption of best practices. The WPEC will provide a framework for co-operative activities between the participants and the nuclear data programmes that they represent. The WPEC will assess the needs for nuclear data improvements and address those needs by initiating joint evaluation, methods development, or measurement efforts. The outcomes that the WPEC facilitates will be reflected in major evaluated data files.

From 2022-2025, the WPEC will strive to complete several specific tasks, including:

  • recommend improvements in evaluated nuclear data (including covariance data) for nuclear technology applications in response to indications from stakeholders, new experimental data, theoretical and modelling advances, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, and integral validation/assimilation activities;
  • recommend updates in codes, formats, methods and practices for further improving the nuclear data evaluation process and streamlining their processing and use; and
  • monitor and update the “High Priority Request List for Nuclear Data” (HPRL) to stimulate specific nuclear data measurement and evaluation activities.

The WPEC will liaise closely with other Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) activities to ensure that data needs of nuclear science applications are properly addressed.


The WPEC will produce the following during the mandate period:

  • a continuously updated version of the HPRL, accessible through the NEA web pages, which reflects the annual reviews of all progress made to satisfy these requests and new entries;
  • a continuously updated specifications document for Generalised Nuclear Database Structure and repositories of the version-controlled documentation source code on the NEA GitLab;
  • a report on scattering angular distribution in the fast range;
  • a report on evaluation of experimental data in the resolved resonance region;
  • a report on fission yield evaluation methodologies and recommended improvements;
  • a report on the development of a modern nuclear database structure beyond the current Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) format;
  • a report on methods and approaches to provide feedback from nuclear and covariance data adjustments to evaluators and experimentalists;
  • a report on code infrastructure to support a modern general nuclear database (GND) structure;
  • a report on covariance data in general purpose nuclear data libraries;
  • a report on the Validation of Nuclear Data Libraries (VaNDaL) Project, including a suite of inter-comparison benchmark inputs and outputs;
  • a report on the efficient and effective use of integral experiments for nuclear data validation;
  • a report on the use of shielding benchmarks for nuclear data validation and priority needs from the shielding benchmark community;
  • a report on new thermal scattering kernel measurements, evaluation, and applications;
  • a report on methods to ensure reproducibility in nuclear data evaluation; and
  • a report containing requirements and specifications summarising initial developments of tools to build a database that mines data out of EXFOR in a way that makes the data more automatically accessible and preserves expert knowledge used in nuclear data evaluation.