NEA Mandates and Structures

Technical Review Group for the International Criticality Safety Benchmarks Evaluation Project (ICSBEPTRG)

Chair(s): Catherine PERCHER, United States
Secretary:  Julie-Fiona MARTIN
Member(s):All NEA member countries*
Russia (Suspended*)
*Russian Federation suspended pursuant to a decision of the OECD Council.
EU participation: The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the NEA, in accordance with the NEA Statute and the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Observer(s)(International Organisation): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
By agreement
Date of creation:30 September 2000
End of mandate:06 October 2024

Mandate (Document reference):

  • Summary Record of the 4th meeting of the Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety held on 15 September 2000 [NEA/SEN/NSC/WPNCS(2001)1]
  • Summary Record of the 18th meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee held on 13-15 June 2007 [NEA/SEN/NSC(2007)3]
  • Summary Record of the 21st meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee held on 9-11 June 2010 [NEA/SEN/NSC(2010)3]
  • Summary Record of the 23rd meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee held on 13-15 June 2012 [NEA/SEN/NSC(2012)3]
  • Summary Record of the 16th meeting of the Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety held on 21 September 2012 [NEA/NSC/WPNCS/DOC(2013)6] – Change of name from “WPNCS Expert Group on Criticality Safety Benchmarks” to “Technical Review Group for the International Criticality Safety Benchmarks Evaluation Project”
  • Summary Record of the 21st meeting of the Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety held from 26 to 30 June 2017 [NEA/NSC/WPNCS/DOC(2017)2]
  • Summary Record of the 25th meeting of the Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety held on 8-9 July 2021 [NEA/NSC/WPNCS/DOC(2021)16], forthcoming
  • Mandate of the Technical Review Group for the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEPTRG) [NEA/NSC/WPNCS/DOC(2021)2]

Mandate (Document extract):

Extract from document [NEA/NSC/WPNCS/DOC(2021)2]



Under the direction of the Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety (WPNCS), the Technical Review Group for the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEPTRG) will co‑ordinate the programme of the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) and the development of the ICSBEP handbook and database. These comprise an evaluated set of benchmark specifications derived from experiments performed at various nuclear critical facilities around the world. The benchmark specifications are intended for use by criticality safety engineers to validate nuclear data and calculational techniques used to establish minimum subcritical margins for safe operations with fissile material.

The ICSBEPTRG will also develop a database tool (DICE) to facilitate user access to the ICSBEP benchmarks.


The main objective of the ICSBEPTRG is to provide the nuclear community with an evaluated set of benchmark specifications by collecting criticality experiment data from the nuclear criticality laboratories, worldwide. More specifically the objectives are as follows:

  • identify and evaluate a comprehensive set of critical and sub-critical benchmark experiment data;
  • verify the data, to the extent possible, by reviewing original and subsequently revised documentation, and by communicating with the experimenters or individuals who are familiar with the experimenters or the experimental facility;
  • evaluate the experimental data and uncertainties;
  • transform evaluated measurements into benchmarks that are appropriate for validation of calculation methods, adjust measurement results and uncertainties accordingly;
  • compile the benchmark data into a standardised format;
  • perform calculations of each experiment with standard criticality safety codes;
  • formally document the work into a single source of verified benchmark data.

Links to other NEA bodies

The ICSBEPTRG will closely co-ordinate its work with other subsidiary bodies of the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) developing databases of integral experiments. In particular, there will be close links with the Working Party on Scientific Issues and Uncertainty Analysis of Reactor Systems (WPRS) Expert Group on Physics of Reactor Systems (EGPRS) and the International Reactor Physics Experiments Evaluation Project Technical Review Group (IRPhETRG); as well as with the International Radiation Shielding Experiments Database (SINBAD). Links will also be maintained with the NSC Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) and the Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) Nuclear Data Library of the Management Board for the Development, Application and Validation of Nuclear Data and Codes (MBDAV).

A key element of the evaluation process is a rigorous analysis of the uncertainties, including quantification of correlations between experiments. There will be strong linkage between the ICSBEPTRG and the WPNCS activities on integral experiment uncertainties and covariance data in criticality safety validation. 


  • Provide annual editions of the Handbook on DVD and provide downloadable versions through suitably protected websites in accordance with NEA Data Bank protocols;
  • develop and maintain a database tool (DICE) to allow users to search the database using keywords and create listings of benchmarks with matched characteristics which is distributed with the handbook in accordance with NEA Data Bank protocols.