NEA Mandates and Structures

Programme Review Group (PRG)

Chair(s): Secretary:  Ian HILL
Member(s):All NEA member countries*
Russia (Suspended*)
*Russian Federation suspended pursuant to a decision of the OECD Council.
EU participation: The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the NEA, in accordance with the NEA Statute and the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Observer(s)(International Organisation): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
By agreement
Date of creation:30 September 2022
End of mandate:29 September 2025

Mandate (Document reference):

  • Summary Record of the 32nd Meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee held in June 2021 [NEA/SEN/NSC(2021)8]
  • Summary Record of the 33rd Meeting of the Nuclear Science Committee held in June 2022 [NEA/SEN/NSC(2022)10] (forthcoming)
  • Mandate of the Programme Review Group (PRG) [NEA/SEN/NSC(2022)5]

Mandate (Document extract):

Extract from document [NEA/SEN/NSC(2022)5]


With the objective to help fulfilling the objectives of the Agency and the NSC, the Nuclear Science Committee (NSC) Programme Review Group (PRG) formulates recommendations based on best practices to optimise activities at both the proposal and dissemination stage. The PRG also recommends standard practices to optimise information exchange between NSC bodies and interfaces with other NEA bodies.

Scope of Activities

The PRG will:

  • evaluate the overall scope of NSC activities and identify gaps with respect to emerging issues and identify work that is no longer of priority interest;
    evaluate the accomplishments, against defined objectives, of the working parties/expert groups/task forces and propose adjustments to the NSC, if necessary;
  • evaluate new activity proposals from the NSC working parties and expert groups. Suggest amendments to proposals to address identified gaps. Assess resource and time requirements and issue recommendations to the NSC. In doing so, check consistency with the NEA Strategic Plan and assist with transposing these new proposals into the program of work of the NEA in compliance with NSC priorities.
    identify and recommend proposals that may be suited towards joint projects or other separately funded activities;
  • provide feedback on the proposed deliverable outputs, to align the work with other NSC activities and other activities in the NEA Management Board for the Development, Application and Validation of Nuclear Data and Codes (MBDAV) and NEA Standing Technical Committees, including the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI), the Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC), and the Committee for Technical and Economic Studies on Nuclear Energy Development and the Fuel Cycle (NDC);
    identify links between working party outputs that can be combined into overarching topical packages, and propose reports on topical areas to the NSC;
  • review and provide comments on executive summaries to ensure consistency;
    identify and recommend NSC output that would be suitable for public events such as webinars, interviews, etc. and assist with the identification of suitable experts;
  • identify overlap with activities carried out by other international organisations and recommend actions to ensure complementarity and maximise the added value of NSC outputs;
    recommend topics for in-depth discussion at the NSC meeting;
  • advise the NSC on standardised reporting methods for activities;
    provide in-depth reviews in areas/topics discussed during the NSC meeting, as requested under the leadership of the NSC Chair; and
  • report on its activities and recommendations at NSC meetings.

Working Methods:

  • Regular meetings to occur twice a year. Additional meetings may be scheduled by the PRG Chair on special topics as needed.
  • Every two years, the PRG will hold a meeting prior to the NSC annual meeting.
  • A collaborative software and appropriate discussion forum will be used to facilitate the work of the PRG.


  • The NSC PRG consists of no more than ten designated experts, with an elected Chair.
  • 50% of NSC PRG members will be rotated within the three-year duration of the mandate, and no member may serve for more than three mandates.
  • Members are nominated by NSC country representatives.
  • Members are expected to have independence from the leadership of the working parties and to cover all areas of work of the NSC.
  • Most members are experts familiar with global trends in nuclear energy research programs and established track records of contributing to activities across multiple NEA and/or NSC activities.