NEA Mandates and Structures

Working Group on Hydrogen Value Chains (H2-VAL)

Chair(s): Secretary:  Lucas MIR
Member(s):All NEA member countries*
Russia (Suspended*)
*Russian Federation suspended pursuant to a decision of the OECD Council.
EU participation: The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the NEA, in accordance with the NEA Statute and the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Observer(s)(International Organisation): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
By agreement
Date of creation:01 May 2023
End of mandate:31 December 2025

Mandate (Document reference):

Mandate (Document extract):

Extract of document NEA/NDC(2023)9/REV1


In November 2022, NEA published a report on “The Role of Nuclear Power in the Hydrogen Economy” (NEA 2022).

In the context of the abovementioned background information, among other publications, to further the understanding of hydrogen value chains, the NTE Working Group on Hydrogen Value Chains (H2-VAL) is created to directly contribute to NDC’s work in the area of hydrogen value chains, in particular related to outputs 9.1.4 and 9.1.5 of the NDC Program of Work (PoW) for years 2023-2024, i.e. “Levelised Costs of Hydrogen Production” and “Scenario Analysis of Hydrogen for Synthetic Fuels”, respectively.


The Working Group on Hydrogen Value Chains (H2-VAL) is to provide a forum for discussion of all stages of hydrogen value chains, i.e. production, transport, distribution, transformation, and storage; and assess the feasibility, market potential and competitiveness of different nuclear-hydrogen systems for the production of low-carbon fuels such as ammonia, syngas (carbon monoxide and hydrogen) and synthetic fuels, thereby supporting the delivery of items of the NDC Programme of Work.

Scope and Objectives

The H2-VAL will provide a forum for exchange of information between experts on the following:

  1. Review of key challenges and opportunities for nuclear-hydrogen systems as part of industrial clusters, including electrical and thermal coupling, safety case and possible business models;
  2. Discussion of market potential and technical requirements for nuclear-produced hydrogen and associated derivatives (e.g. ammonia, synthetic fuels, etc.);  
  3. Assessment of possible development strategies for nuclear-based hydrogen value chains, including hydrogen transport, storage and distribution.

The H2-VAL will discuss and validate key technical and economic assumptions, as well as other considerations to inform NEA analyses on nuclear-hydrogen value chains.

Working methods

The H2-VAL will meet as often as needed to carry out activities to support NDC in the delivery of its activity items related to Levelised Costs of Hydrogen Production and Scenario Analysis of Hydrogen for Synthetic Fuels as assigned in the NDC PoW. Some meetings may be held virtually, at the discretion of the Chair and the NEA secretariat.

All reports, publications and products of the H2-VAL will be submitted to the NDC for approval prior to release.

The H2-VAL will report to the NDC on its progress and activities as requested, and at least on an annual basis.

The NDC may also identify and task the H2-VAL with other activities related to hydrogen value chains.


The H2-VAL will include a diverse range of experts in the areas of nuclear-hydrogen systems, low-carbon fuels, energy system modelling and hydrogen value chains from government ministries and/or agencies, industry, energy utility companies, research institutions and academia.


The H2-VAL will engage with relevant experts and organisations from the nuclear sector, as well as experts from other industries that can contribute to informing discussions on hydrogen value chains.

The H2-VAL will interface with the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) Task Force for Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Heat (NEANH) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Technology Cooperation Programme (Hydrogen TCP) Task dedicated to hydrogen from nuclear energy “Task 44”. The H2-VAL Working Group will also co-ordinate, as appropriate, with other international organisations (e.g. the IAEA).


The H2-VAL will directly support NDC to deliver activity items on Levelised Costs of Hydrogen Production and on Scenario Analysis of Hydrogen for Synthetic Fuels by end 2024.

In particular, the H2-VAL will contribute to the organisation of a workshop on hydrogen production costs (IOR 9.1.4) and the publication of a standard report on hydrogen value chains (IOR 9.1.5).

The H2-VAL will also produce policy briefs and organise relevant events (e.g. workshops) to collect the necessary evidence to fulfil its mandate.